Interview with Ed Viesturs and David Schaeffer of Himali gear company

University of Colorado graduate, David Schaeffer started the outdoor gear company, Himali, in 2014 along with Tendi Sherpa.

Today, the Boulder, Colorado company has grown nicely and, in my opinion, is about to really take off. Ed Viesturs, known globally as an author, speaker, and the only American to have summited all 14 of the 8000-meter peaks without supplemental oxygen have come together. They will introduce a new line based on Ed’s input this autumn.

I spoke with both about how they came together and their plans, and an interesting project Ed is working on, the first full civilian space travel in history, Inspiration4. Also, Dave plans to make Moon Suits!!

Nows, here’s the interview with Ed and Dave:

Company Interview: David Schaeffer and Ed Viesturs on Himali Gear Company

Climb On!
Memories are Everything

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6 thoughts on “Interview with Ed Viesturs and David Schaeffer of Himali gear company

  1. What a great interview, Alan! Ed’s been a hero for a long time and as I’ve seen more and more of the Himali brand being used my curiosity has been growing, so this was great fun!

  2. Great interview – big fan of Ed Viesturs and his mountaineering accomplishments!

  3. Have read most of Ed’s amazing books. He really writes well. Thanks for the post Alan.

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