Another try at Capital Peak

After last week’s mixed results – summited Snowmass but tweaked a knee stopping my bid on Capital; I will try again on Thursday. This time I am watching the weather carefully.

Capital Peak

September in the Colorado mountains is a dicey time. It can be sunny and warm one minute and harshly cold with snow the next. A cold front is passing through today (Tuesday) and the lows are around freezing at 12, malady 000′. I expect some icy conditions at 14, 000 near the summit.

Capital is known as one fo the more difficult 14ers since the standard route involves traversing a knife-edge ridge line that has significant exposure on both sides – as in over 1,000′ feet! A climber died earlier this year after a fall on the ridge.

This is a picture I took last week from the summit of Snowmass. You can see the ridge to the right of the summit.
I’ll post a full trip report upon my return!

Climb On!


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