Update on Latest Nepal Earthquakes

Sadly another major earthquake, 7.2, hit Nepal on Tuesday, May 12, 2015. The epicenter was near Namche Bazaar and the damage is said to be extensive in the Solo Khumbu per Ang Tshering, Charmin of the Climate Alliance of Himalayan Communities.

They report the following:

  • Contact was made within 5 minutes of earthquake through satellite phone with people in Khumbu:
  • Damages to property has been vast in the Solukhumbu region
  •  Too early to report on human and livestock casualties
  •  Efforts to contact others in Khumbu have failed due to difficulties in communication lines
  •  Reports are streaming in of the effects in other parts on Nepal
  •  Damages and human casualties in Kathmandu are being reported
  •  Emergency cabinet meeting is being held in Singha Durbar, Kathmandu
  •  Prime Minister has addressed the nation now (Tuesday)

The following portfolio describes this and the previous damage very well.


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11 thoughts on “Update on Latest Nepal Earthquakes

  1. My friend of many visits to Nepal, Nima Sherpa,has survived the earthquakes -but his father’s farm in the Khumbu district has been levelled; Nima is coming to England in June to promote his trekking firm. – it is important for trekkers to use local Nepalese firms, especially in the future; they need all the income they can get.

    1. Thanks Karen, yes, Kami’s home was “destroyed” by the May 12 earthquake. I’m trying to understand exactly what that means but will be setting up a donation fund for his entire village of Pangboche.

  2. Alan –
    This may be a bit out there, but after reading about ‘earth bag’ building projects, in Nepal (see links below), I wonder if it might be possible to find a way for Kami, and possibly his neighbors, to learn this craft, in order to build their own ‘earth bag’ homes. This type of construction has proven to be earthquake resistance, with a high “R” value, as well as being easier and less costly to build. Feel free to ignore, if this seems a bit daft. Really just presenting as food for thought. Thanks.

  3. I don’t suppose you’ve had any way, yet, of confirming if Kami (Ang Chhiring Sherpa) and his family are okay? My heart breaks for them and the wonderful people of Nepal.
    So glad you are home safe, and again, thank you for keeping us well informed.

    1. Carolyn, I understand his house was destroyed but cannot confirm it yet. When I visited his home a couple weeks ago, he was concerned one more strong quake would do it. There were cracks in the outer facade. Will keep everyone informed.

      1. Thank you, and if you know of a way, in the future, to somehow get funds direct to Kami, I would love to help them a little.

      2. Thank you, Alan. We’ve been reading about Kami for years, and I know I’m not the only reader who worried about him after seeing the latest earthquake headlines. Please keep us updated about him if possible.

  4. Thank you for posting this summary, Alan. This really drives home the magnitude of the destruction, and the need for multi-dimensional assistance. My heart goes out to all affected.

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