Audio Dispatch from Mt. Vinson: Update from Low Camp

This is the latest audio dispatch live from Antarctica's Mt. Vinson; the first of his 7 Summits climbs.

These climbs are to raise Alzheimer's awareness and $1M for research. Please donate today to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund at where 100% of your donation goes to Alzheimer's research.

Climb On!
Memories are Everything

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12 thoughts on “Audio Dispatch from Mt. Vinson: Update from Low Camp

  1. How amazing it is that the sun stays at a 30 degree angle and just goes around.

    The weather really looks great.Can’t wait to see more.

  2. Thanks for the dispatches! I’ll pray for you and your team members safety and safe return. Hopr the weather is okay for you. God Bless,

  3. Hi, Alan- Good on you! I’ve been following your web site and adventures for two years now and am grateful that you provide us with your reports. Stay healthy and keep climbing–you’re a real inspiration.


  4. I am so glad your weather is good and you are able to make such strong progress Alan! I hope your weather stays good and you have a wonderful summit day this weekend!


  5. Hi Alan – sounds like the trip is going well. Enjoying the webpage and audio updates as well as the pictures. Enjoy the rest day and look forward to your next update.

    Climb On!


  6. Hi Alan,
    You sound good! Stay warm and enjoy your day tomorrow. Pretty soon you will be on top of the bottom of the world!

  7. Enjoy your rest day tomorrow. You guys have certainly earned one. Looking forward to more pictures of the stunning landscape.

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