I summited Kosciuszko on October 27, order 2011. It was a great climb. Read the full trip report for all the details.
This is the audio dispatch I posted live from the summit; the 8th and last of my 7 Summits climbs.
Click to listen: [audio:http://www.alanarnette.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/audio/Kosciuszko 2011 Summit.mp3|titles=Kosciuszko Summit Audio Dispatch|artists=Alan Arnette]
These climbs are to raise Alzheimer’s awareness and $1M for research. I lost my mom and two aunts to Alzheimer’s. Please join me to end Alzheimer’s by making a donation today. Read the details.
Climb On!
Memories are Everything
9 thoughts on “Summit: Audio Dispatch from Kosciuszko”
Gratulations! Insane what you did in just one year… more memories than most people get during their whole life.
Will we be able to see the amount of money which was donated in this year?
King regards from Germany
Way to go Alan. Congratulations to you and the whole team support this inspirational and importatn journey. YOU DID IT!
Well done Alan – what an amazing journey!
Huge congratulations on your climbs, and also all the work you have done to raise awarenss and funds for Alzheimer’s research.
Have a safe trip home and enjoy some down time with your friends and family!
Thank you Alan for everything you have done to bring attention to Alzheimer’s! If you are having margaritas to celebrate I will have 1 or 2 along with you! Keep up the great work and I will continue to do whatever I can to keep spreading the message “memories are everything”!
Well done, my friend! You did it! I am very very proud of you. What you have done does not stop here. It transcends the mountains we climb. It has been humbling watching you do this and it is an honor to call you my friend. Memories are everything! Climb On!
Well done and well stated my friend. I’m very proud of you, your climbing accomplishments, and the message that you brought world wide about this horrible disease. It has made a difference! Safe travels back home! Climb on!
We are so proud of you and are amazed to see how you have driven this project with your passion and love for your mom and all the families dealing with Alzheimer’s. A sincere congratulations to you in your accomplishments today and over the past year. You are an inspiration to us!
This deserves a marg… I don’t know… maybe two 🙂
Congratulations Alan. So much hard work from so many people have culminated in a cause you can be truly proud of. I know you won’t give up – this is just the end of the beginning. Safe travels home and enjoy some R&R. You deserve it.
fantastic Alan!!!!!!!!! woo hoo!
get down safely; youve done it man!! Congratulations!! Great cause-great climbing!
a toast
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