I summited Everest on May 21, 2011 and posted this audio dispatch directly from the top of the world using a satellite phone. This was the third of my 7 Summits climbs for Alzheimer’s.
It was an emotional experience from a mountaineering perspective but more so on behalf of Alzheimer’s individuals, their families, caregivers and researchers. Read the full trip report for all the details.
Click to listen: [audio:http://www.alanarnette.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Everest-2011-Summit-Call.mp3|titles=Everest Summit Audio Dispatch|artists=Alan Arnette]
I lost my mom and two aunts to Alzheimer’s. Please join me to end Alzheimer’s by making a donation today. Read the details.
Climb On!
Memories are Everything
35 thoughts on “Summit: Everest Audio Dispatch”
Way to go Alan. I am so happy for you! Please get down safely. What an achievement! DonPaul
See u have hit the top of that hill and r now descending. Now you have cost me money, Alan!
I sure wish I could be there to see that smile and share some of your joy. Congratulations and have a fun trip down. Bill
The SPOT shows you have summitted and are now descending. 4th time lucky! You deserve it and so does your worthwhile cause. Congratulations.
Congrats Alan! Been fun following you on spot. Stay safe!
Looks like a summit per SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Alan, been a long time coming, you deserve it and so does your wonderful cause!
I see you’re on the summit now. Congrats, enjoy the view, and stay safe!!
Looks like he’s on/near the South Summit…. no Spot updated for ~30 minutes though. Looking good.
Go Alan! Good luck!!!!
hi Allan, so good to know your on your way to the top of the world. be safe. climb on. jim.p Hereford UK
You are doing so well….. I am following your climb from Scotland. All the best and keep safe. You are doing this for a very worthwhile cause and you deserve to stand on top of the world for all the hard work you have put in.
Stay safe and all the very best from Scotland,
Climb On Alan! Im watching you right now in the satelite and looks like your heading up and up and up!
Greetings from Dominican Republic, my pals are the Dominican Team who is climbing you with right now.
Keep strong, one step at the time!!!
keep going alan!!!!!
Looks like Alan is approaching the South Summit!! Really cheering him on from Chicago!
Way to go Alan! Steady on!
You can do it, Alan. Come back safe with those memories. I am so excited for you. Climb on!
Following your journey closely tonight.. I’m studying for a big exam tomorrow and you have no idea how motivating it is for me to watch that lil tracker move closer and closer to the summit. Not only are you raising awareness for Alzheimer’s, you’re also keeping me awake through studying for this exam… so THANK YOU!! Crossing my fingers for you tonight and climbing on through this textbook 🙂 Be safe!!!
taking some gulps of “O’s” down here in your honor… that is, if i remember to breathe, this is so intense. be safe and successful.
To the top Alan, to the top!!!
Good luck! Been listening to your messages and reading them and wish I was there. 3 years and I’ll be doing the climb myself. Best of luck!!!
Good Luck Alan.
Prayers for you, Jay and Mirjam and all climbers on the mountain for safety and reaching the summit. Also praying for the reason you are climbing. Hoping for that one extra donation which will be the one that pushes research over the summit. Then, perhaps none of us will ever forget this moment in time.
Great job Alan! Several of us are watching your progress as you move on up towards the summit. I wish you the best of everything as you push higher and on the descent. Climb on Alan! P.S. Thanks for taking the SPOT…and remembering to turn it on. This is exciting! 🙂
Go Alan! You have earned this!
Rest step your way to the top of that hill Alan. We’re pulling for you here in NJ. Be safe.
You go, Alan – make those memories!
Best wishes,
Jeannie G
Holding my breath.
on you go Alan – thoughts are with you from San Francisco
Top the top and come home safe!
You sound great through the sat scramble!! Up you go Alan….best of luck and many people are waiting to hear some great news. Let those winds calm down and off you go!!!
Alan – due to sat phone scrambling, not all your words came through well. But your message came through loud and clear: you are strong, calm, confident, … and Memories Are Everything. Climb On Alan!
Climb On Alan – almost there – and then a safe journey back down! You sound great – stay strong!
Alan, stay frosty and alert. You will make it tonight, man! Kiss the stars and then get down safely. We’re all pulling for you!!!!!!!
You sound strong and well rested. Climb safe & enjoy the view.
Climb High, Climb Safe and Climb On! God speed, my friend!
Alan, you’re sounding stronger than your sat phone! Climb on and climb safely!
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