Alan Arnette’s message from the Summit of K2

We are proud and thrilled to report that Alan Arnette and his teammates have successfully reached the summit of K2!!!   Congratulations to:

Alan Arnette – USA

Matthew Dupuy – USA

Garrett Madison – USA

Kami Rita Sherpa – Thame Solu Khumbu, advice Nepal

Fur Kancha Sherpa – Thame Solu Khumbu, Nepal

Kami Tshering Sherpa – Pangbotse, Nepal

Just an hour ago, Alan told me over the sat phone that he greatly appreciated the help of his team mates, especially Kami Rita Sherpa.  He said he hugely appreciated everyone who has been following and supporting this expedition to fight against Alzheimer’s, especially Albila, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund and USAgainst Alzheimer’s.

Then in a powerful and emotional voice Alan emphatically said: “Tell everyone I can feel their support. Tell them I appreciate it. Tell them all that we can beat Alzheimer’s. Ask them to donate so that we can beat it soon.”

That is Alan’s message from the summit of K2 to all of us.

Please donate now. Thank you.

Be sure to listen to Alan’s blog post just prior to this one to hear his stirring words, recorded on summit of K2.

– admin Jim, on behalf of Alan Arnette who has now climbed K2 for Alzheimer’s.

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89 thoughts on “Alan Arnette’s message from the Summit of K2

  1. Such passion in your voice Alan. Once again congratulations my dear friend , Niko. Syd.

  2. Alan, as a fellow climber (of somewhat lesser peaks), you have my utmost respect for reaching the summit of K2. A donation has been made. Congratulations on your achievement.

  3. In-F*ING-credible! Thank you for the vicarious thrills — and for a great cause too. But dammit Alan, you are making it very hard for someone of my age (58.5) to use my age and physical decline not to do — well — just about anything! Happy birthday present that you gave YOURSELF, and shared with all of your fascinated followers too.

  4. Huge inspiration, appreciate everything you are doing for Alzheimers. My data (also named Alan) , suffered horribly from early onset. You also motivate me to keep climbing, have been following you for awhile. Great Job on K2.

  5. Alan, stupendous achievement for a great cause! You must feel happy, relieved and proud. Have a safe descent and return home knowing that your efforts continue to raise awareness and funds for this horrible disease and you are making a difference. From a mountaineering perspective, nice job! Your hard work and training paid off. Bravo!

  6. Alan, fantastic personal achievement fulfilled for you and all the team. Congratulations totally in order, x10. Safe trek, road journey and flight back home. Very best wishes from the UK, Well done!

  7. Bravissimo Alan and I am sûre you had a happy anniversaire.
    Samuli Mansikka who was at the summit with you is at Bas Camp now.
    I hope your descent is going well. I will be reassure when you will post a message.

  8. Waiting for a post that you are well! I saw the dispatch from Madison Mountaineering that all are back at base camp-praying your are safe and sound!

  9. Many many congratulations Alan….a fantastic achievement. K2….yeah!! Climb on 🙂

  10. According to Alan’s last Spot GPS location 8 hrs ago he was below Camp 2 above the House Chimney. Are there areas here that the SPOT can’t get signal? We’re praying hard that you’re in C1 or BC getting a long deserved sleep, Alan. I’ve been checking in over a hundred times since last night keeping you close in my heart!

  11. Another post to say Congratulations Alan. I think I’ve said it six times now, is that a recordo ? Cheers Kate

  12. Congratulations Alan & team! What an amazing and inspiring adventure capped off with a summit of the world’s hardest mountain! Wow! I am in awe. Your enthusiasm and love for your two passions – mountain climbing & beating Alzheimer’s – is unmatched and so very admirable. You inspire us all. Descend safely and we look forward to hearing all about this climb. I hope to see you sooner than later back in CO.


  13. Watching on GPS-looks like all are nearly at base camp-hoping all are well! Waiting for the post that confirms-sending strength and my very best vibes!

  14. Looks like you are nearly at Camp 2 Alan. Stay focused, don’t give in to that beast of a mountain. All my climbing friends here in Australia are supporting you and the team.

  15. Congratulations and fantastic news! Well done to you and the entire TEAM. Remember safety first on the way back to BC. Cheers and all the best Mate!

    1. Support both sentiments completely – well donw and safe home – to all!

  16. You’re the real deal – a genuine hero for what you’re doing to raise funds for this terrible disease which has impacted my family. Congratulations to you and your teammates on your successful summit! I pray for a safe descent for all.

  17. Question to anyone ….. If my calculations are correct, I have them at Camp 3. Is that correct? Thanks very much. So proud for them!

  18. Congratulations, Alan! You climbed a nearly impossible to climb mountain to highlight the most devastating disease. Your success of accomplishing the (nearly) impossible gives great hope to the Alzheimer’s cause. Having been an Alzheimer’s caregiver and now someone who suffers from memory loss it fills me with hope seeing what one determined person can do. Your climb proves that we can do what feels impossible; we can end Alzheimer’s. With Gratitude, Treesa

  19. Congratulations on making the summit of K2. Wishing you the best of luck on you and your teammates’ safe descent. Truly a fantastic accomplishment!

  20. A heartfelt congratulations Alan!!! What an incredible accomplishment. Now get down safely.

    All the best, Ken

  21. Awesome Alan! Amazing accomplishment enabled by your amazing commitment and indomitable spirit. Congratulations on a job well done!!

  22. Way to go Alan! Awesome achievement and it fell on your birthday to boot! Thanks for the “play-by-play” during your journey!

  23. Congrats Alan, and Happy Birthday. Can’t wait to see the video. I’m sure you filmed it.

  24. Happy Birthday and congratulations on your summit of K2! Somehow I knew you would make it on your first attempt, and I am happy to see that come to fruition! I wish you safety on your way down the mountain and travels home! 🙂

  25. Congratulations Alan on your huge accomplishment on K2, and thank you for your undaunting courage and determination with Alzheimer’s awareness and quest for a cure. Happy Birthday Alan and safe travels.

  26. On behalf of our Board of Directors, we wish you a Happy Birthday , Congratulations, and a big Thank You!!!!! Have a safe descent and enjoy your phenominal accomplishment!

  27. Congratulations Alan on your K2 summit! Very much looking forward to your trip report and appreciate you sharing this adventure and cause with us. Also appreciate you raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s research as I lost a grandfather and great-aunt to this terrible disease. Thank you!

  28. Great climb, Alan. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Safe return, and Happy Birthday!

  29. Namaste, congratulations to your entire team and you! What a birthday present. Just descend safely to make the celebration complete.

  30. Congrats to the whole team! What an undertaking and waiting to hear that you all made it down safely.

  31. Hearing your audio message nearly brought me to tears. You have my total respect and admiration. Thank you thank you thank you for laying your life on the line for others.

  32. Congratulations Alan, we knew you would make it ! You are an inspiration to all of us! Get down safely.

  33. Alan – I am a friend of Matt Du Puy and learned about you from following Matt – I have profound respect for you and your efforts to find a solution for Alzheimer’s and I will make a contribution in your honor. And I also have deep respect and awe for your achievement on K2 today with Matt and the others. While listening to your sincere and heartfelt comments I feel that I know you – I hope we will someday meet. But now, please descend safely and, with a new mantra for me. “Climb On”

  34. Many Many hearty congratulations, Alan for you & your team’s success to reach the much desired summit of the savage mountain K2. Your dedication for the noble cause of Alzheimaar Disease is well appreciated by all of us. We accord ouyr heartiest thanks for the same.

  35. Congratulations To The Six Of you. What An Awesome Accomplishment. I Can’t SafeStopLooking At This Site To Live It With you. Hope Everyone Is Getting Down safe. Can’t Wait To See Pictures And Hear The Whole Story. Happy Birthday Again. And Wow!!!

  36. Wow! Congratulations don’t seem to be enough oft the grand summit! So awed! Safe home! Memories are everything.

  37. Congratulations Alan what an amazing achievement. Just keep safe on the descent!

  38. I had tears in my eyes listening to your words early this morning, after following your climb for hours last night. Even dreamed I was at advanced base camp last night. Thanks for inspiring us all, and also for what you do for all those living with a neurodegenerative disease. That is what this is about and I have made two donations in your mom’s honor. Thanks for shedding light to the world about this struggle, through your own struggle with each grueling step. All my best to you on your birthday, to Matt and Garrett, and to the amazing sherpa team. Looking forward to your safe return and your powerful words.

  39. Massive congrats to Alan and team on a momentous achievement. Have a safe descent and looking forward to reading your account. Truly amazing stuff!

  40. Congratulations Alan on summiting K2, come back safely to fight one more day against Alzheimer’s

  41. Hi Alan,

    Congratulations to you and your fellow climbers. Your had a dream and you made it happen. You are an inspiration to me!


  42. Congratulations Alan & his team!! Congratulations to everyone who reached the summit of K-2 successfully!! Thanks for everyone who visited Pakistan in difficult times!!

  43. Congratulations Alan & his team!! Congratulations to everyone who reached the summit of K-2 successfully!! Thanks for everyone who visited Pakistan in difficult times!!

  44. Summitted! Congratulations Alan! You can be really proud of Youssef! I am absolutely happy right now!!

  45. Now this is the real mountain of mountaineers Alan so to summit it is the biggest achievement. Well done to you and your team. Get down safe and tell the world what this climb was like. Amazing job well done!!

  46. Amazing amazing achievement Alan and team. Thrilled for you. Please stay safe on your descent from the summit. I look forward to hearing all about this the most epic of adventures which you have achieved.

  47. Moved to tears that you managed to pull this off on your birthday. Safe way down all, fingers crossed!

  48. Awesome job. Incredible performance alan. Take care abd descend safely so you can keep up the fight. Congratulations! !!!

  49. Get home safe Alan, I lost my auntie (third family member to succumb to the disease) to Alzheimer’s just as you started your summit bid, I hope you get home safe so that you can continue your amazing fundraising work.

  50. I’ll never forget joining you in this climb . . . from the day you said you were doing it (when I gave a small donation) to hearing and seeing your updates as you trained – and being relieved to see how mentally and physically prepared you were for this most dangerous of adventures – to the excitement and fear for you of the past few days as you made your determined way to the top. Now you’re on the most dangerous part of all . . the way down. Like many others at this moment I’m willing for your every step to fit into a safe and sure foothold and for your astonishing mental strength to keep you going until you’re back to safety. I’ll be making another donation in a minute – after all that’s why you’ve undertaken this daring feat that has put your life in mortal danger – to make us all aware of the need for more money for research into this pernicious disease. I’m doubly happy to donate – firstly, to honour your achievements and secondly, and not something I tell many people, because Mum’s got Alzheimer’s . . and it’s hard.

  51. An amazing, inspirational feat.

    It was thrilling to watch your progress to the summit in real-time on SPOT this evening. It’s actually just as exciting watching the descent. At this moment, about 3 hours post-summit, you appear to be about half of the way back to Camp 4.

    Prayers for a safe descent, and congratulations!

  52. WOO HOO!!!!! Happy Birthday, Alan! So happy for you and your team! What an amazing, inspiring climb it’s been! Now, to all of you–still have my best vibes heading your way for a safe trip down! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Happy Dancing-but more to come when I see a post that all are safely back at base camp!

  53. Answered prayer ….. Alan and all made it safely to summit of K2. Waiting to hear that all safely made it down. Godspeed to all of you!!!

  54. Congratulations on reaching the summit. Come down safely, with all other climbers. Deep (India)


    Woohoo! So stoked for you and your cause Alan. Get down safe! Having a good Aussie brew for you In celebration. You inspire me beyond words!

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